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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Need help? Take a look at some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

Image of Our Support

What is a social enterprise?

The definition, as set out by Social Enterprise UK is businesses that:

  • Have a clear social or environmental mission that is set out in its governing documents.
  • Is an independent business and earn more than half of their income through trading (or are working towards this)
  • Controlled or owned in the interests of their social mission
  • They reinvest or give away at least half their profits or surpluses towards their social purpose
  • Are transparent about how they operate and the impact that they have

How can I access support for my social enterprise or charity?

Social Enterprise Kent offers a range of support for voluntary sector organisations.

Click here to find out more.

What does Social Enterprise Kent do?

Social Enterprise Kent mission is “Improving Lives, Supporting Communities”.  Every day we deliver a positive social impact, strengthen communities, empower people and improve lives. Guided by our principles as a social enterprise, we are committed to ensuring sustainable outcomes for communities, leaving those we work with, stronger and more resilient.

We do this by delivering:

  • Business support to the voluntary sector
  • Training
  • Employability programmes
  • Community engagement and wellbeing programmes

Please visit our main website for more information: 

If you can't find the answer to your question and still need help? Contact Us.